I've never followed Meghan Daum's career, though
she's age-appropriate and seems like someone I should envy. (I mean, I know her
basics, but have never actively sought out any of her writing.) In my 20s I
thought one just wrote things and they somehow got published in the right
places to the right people and then everyone loved you. There aren't many
break-out essayists–voices of a generation, if you will–it turns out.
But I wasn't surprised that Billfold commenters
found her bit on carpet-hating to be classist and dated (loved the Wings
reference, personally). It's the way I feel about those dressing room bulbs over
particle board vanities and Magic Chef ovens in kitchens that are barely
kitchens but a nook of appliances shoved into a corner or against a wall with
no countertops that are standard in 90% of Brooklyn apartments. I don't care if
I'm dick for inadvertently insulting practically everyone who coexists
peacefully with those suicide-inducing features by adamantly refusing to have
them in my world (at a cost) anymore, but sometimes you just want a few nice things in your life (it's passing
quickly, right) and it doesn't make you an insufferable House Hunter who thinks
her $3,000 square foot house carved completely from a solid block of granite is
too small.
If you happen to like nooky kitchens, however, the one pictured above is only $1,150/month in Prospect Park South. (Yes, I searched Streeteasy and ranked Low-to-High by price–it took me four pages, though, to find the type of kitchen I meant so maybe things aren't so bad out there.)
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