Flipping My Lid

I couldn't sleep past 8:30am (unheard of on a weekday, let alone a Saturday) because it's so damn bright out. Too much reflective snow. I don't consider snow extreme weather–it's the normal winter stuff we […]


This is 40: overpaying to live in a building you partied in during your 20s. '90s warehouse lofts turned 2013 luxury apartments, complete with branded tote bag and floorplan-containing blueprint tube. Did I mention that […]

Artifact #3

"Do you want a new photo?" asked the I.D.-making lady. "Yes, that one's old," the art student getting a replacement card said. I almost snickered while waiting for my Pratt gym access card to print […]

The Birds

I'm not quite yet ready for birdwatching, one of those quiet meditative hobbies like gardening but less practical, but now that I'm more up the air, if only six stories, I've become fascinated with birds […]

Ravaged, Burned

While I mix business and pleasure, i.e. blogging lightly and obtusely about work-related matters against better judgment, I have one more thing to say. I suspect that a newish high-standards superior is less than impressed […]