I got appropriately drunk on New Year's Eve, so much so that I took a genuine mirror selfie, no camera phone flip screen because those always turn out 50% more ugly. Why is that, by […]

Soft Serve

I don't think Stephen Malkmus looks like a lesbian but he couldn't go without comment considering that he is an aging indie due and his band has a new song called, "Cinnamon and Lesbians." I […]


Once again, proving how deep in denial I am, I watched, The World's End, a comedy chock-full of late '80s-1990 UK "alternative" music (Inspiral Carpets, The Sundays, Soup Dragons) because the group of now-grown men […]

Face It

Recently, I was thinking about words we'll eventually lose like retarded to describe something stupid. I have a hard time letting retarded go, even if that reeks of hipster ableism (I'm still not 100% clear […]