Whish Upon a Star

What the fuck is Bonnie Root doing in my email?! I don’t fool myself into thinking that anyone reads this website (urgh, still can’t say blog) with any regularity or longevity, but if you have […]


Over the years I’ve Googled my fair share of well and lesser knowns but it rarely occurs to me to hit up the MySpaces, Friendsters and Facebooks of the web. But their reach is undeniable […]

Top Dogs

It’s not like I have any set mission to champion underdogs (it’s tough when rarely on top, yourself) but I can’t stay away from them, it’s just part of my core being. Wednesday I had […]

Heath Lemongrass

Thank you to whoever accidentally ended up on my site by googling Jake Galangal Brokeback Mountain yesterday. The notion of Mr. Gyllenhaal combined with a rhizome was the only thing that made me laugh all […]