Family Ties

As I go through a phase where I am aging and closer to dying and  therefore debating whether or not I should be closer to the remaining members left on my father’s side of the […]

Formerly Known As

"According to Ms. Dolgoff, women in their late 30s and early 40s fall into a 'new category of person: adult ’tweens, not quite middle-aged, but no longer our reckless, restless, gravity-defying selves.' Their new moniker: […]

Pop Cultured

I never thought I’d hear the words Interview magazine pop culture quiz again in my life. I had put that pre-millennium humiliation out of my mind until a friend mentioned it at a party this […]

Fit to Be Tied

Wha? Gawker is the last place I’d expect the espousing of Health At Every Size principles. "Take our advice, America: don't take any more fitness advice from the New York Times. Fuck a desperate quest […]

We Are NY

We Are NY is the new Crossroads Café, as I discovered lazing around the apartment a few Sundays ago (ok, I was hungover). The show, created by the city of New York, is fairly sophisticated. […]

Sing Blue Silver

I’ve given up on Dear John, and instead saw Greenberg this weekend in Millburn, NJ, one of only four theaters in that state playing it. The setup suited my growing agoraphobic purposes just fine—the 10pm […]