This is what I saw while embarking on an hour-and-a-half trip to Bay Ridge, something I won't undertake again on a weeknight any time soon, especially not in near-Arctic conditions. (Two nights later I managed […]
This is what I saw while embarking on an hour-and-a-half trip to Bay Ridge, something I won't undertake again on a weeknight any time soon, especially not in near-Arctic conditions. (Two nights later I managed […]
Somewhere during the summer, I started keeping note of good things about 2014. I'm pretty sure there were more than four good things about 2014 but as with most things I start, I forget about […]
I've become victim to a mystery on par with how the backs of my shoes always get destroyed despite no recollection of ever scraping my heels as I walk, and this new tragedy is mascara […]
With the exception of hanging artwork (the scale is all wrong–what I'd like to hang as single pieces aren't large enough for the walls anymore) and getting the bathroom light fixture I bought professionally wired […]
Doubles are (is?) a Trinidadian/Tobagoan curried chickpea sandwich in a flatbread. I've never actually had one, which is slightly embarrassing as a supposed food person. Yesterday night, I sat (after a young woman gave up […]
The thing about moving three times in two years is that you get to refine your paring down. There's still a lot of under-worn socks, underwear, blouses, and shoes to be purged. Maybe even books. […]
In an impromptu meeting with one other person my boss threw out Gap and Uniqlo when naming two apparel retailers. When he did it again later he said Gap and Lane Bryant, which made me […]
1. When a stranger is nice to me I often assume it's because they think I'm pregnant. 2. And while it hasn't happened in recent memory, when someone offers me a seat on the subway […]
A photo means less than it used it. I’m pretty sure my birthday was one of the few days of the year that I used to post a picture of myself, but now self-portraits are […]
It originally concerned me that out of 70 units in my building, I appeared to live next door to the only walking, talking child (newborns began arriving a few months later) in the entire complex. […]