While I’m just marginally more motivated than a few weeks ago when it was A/C weather (I had my first Thanksgiving thought this morning. Seriously. That thought was that I’ll cook a turkey this year […]
While I’m just marginally more motivated than a few weeks ago when it was A/C weather (I had my first Thanksgiving thought this morning. Seriously. That thought was that I’ll cook a turkey this year […]
Today is my one year co-op anniversary. I want to get all choked up and reflective over the rapid passing of time, but it kind of does feel like it’s been a year. The gung-ho-ness […]
My alarm never went off this morning even though I swear I set it for 8:30am like I always do. At least I didn’t sleep through it. I should’ve known something was wrong because I […]
It’s probably because I’m coming up on my one-year mark in this apartment (and, jesus, the final three months of the year) but I’ve been thinking about loose ends that need to be tied up […]
Someone on Flickr “favoriting” my photo of an Avon hairbrush might be even creepier than my taking the photo in the first place. The first morning during my mom and grandma’s visit in May I […]
Irony is often incorrectly identified as such and I’m likely misusing the term myself when I point out that it seems wrong to find a long, prominent cheek hair (staying on top of sprouting chin […]
1990 Hello Kitty tattoo vs. 2015 update by @ol_ash #hellokitty #tattoo #magiccobratattoo #brooklyntattoo A photo posted by Krista Garcia (@goodiesfirst) on Aug 1, 2015 at 9:55pm PDT In June I said I was going to […]
I’ve heard that the elderly don’t need a lot of sleep (they also eat like birds) so maybe that’s why I now go to bed at 12:30am and wake up nervous and exhausted at 5am […]
I may be re-stating the obvious, but I no longer use this as an online diary. Not for lack of want but because it’s too dangerous. I have a lot to say right now too. […]
http://dishpanhands.tumblr.com/post/123212241744/even-yuppies-who-renovated-soho-lofts-had-to-wash In an attempt to take procrastination to new levels, I’ve started a new Tumblr, Nice Rack, to document the dish drying racks I see on TV. It’s a great comfort in my dishwasher-free existence. […]